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Top 6 ways to safeguard health vs climate change


While we are in the middle of this pandemic, there is an equally serious global problem of rapid climate change. Changing climate patterns don’t only impact the environment but our health, too. As the earth becomes warmer, we get exposed to a number of health issues that affect our daily lives. According to the World Health Organization, an increase of about 250,000 deaths every year is expected between 2030 and 2050 as a result of climate change-related events.


In our own little ways, however, we can curb the negative effects of climate change on our health. AXA, one of the country’s leading insurance providers, lists down six simple actions that you can incorporate in your daily routine to protect your health against the harmful effects of a rapidly changing climate.


Drink plenty of water. Extremely high air temperatures result in deadly heatwaves that contribute to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, especially among elderly people. These diseases can get worse since extreme heat also raises ozone levels and air pollutants, as well as pollen and allergens that trigger asthma. Hydrate frequently and avoid places where you can be exposed to extreme heat. Make sure you have water available with you, especially when you need to run outside for errands.


Apply insect repellent when outdoors. Changing weather patterns affect how most insects breed. Longer rainy seasons mean longer breeding periods for mosquitoes carrying deadly diseases like dengue and malaria. More humid days, on the other hand, produce more ticks that carry the infectious Lyme disease. Protect yourself from mosquito bites and other disease-carrying insects by wearing loose-fitting clothes and applying an insect repellent on exposed skin. At home, install screens or mosquito netting to ward them off and make sure that there is no stagnant water lying around where they can breed even more. 


Handle food and drinking water with care. Warmer temperatures easily spoil food, which can lead to food-borne diseases like gastroenteritis. Extreme flooding affects freshwater supplies, resulting in frequent bouts of diarrhea, especially in children. Make sure to practice hygienic food preparation. Always wash your hands before handling food and water. Sanitize utensils and cooking equipment. Get your drinking water from accredited water-refilling stations.


Take care of your mental health. Natural disasters like floods and heatwaves can trigger mental stress and trauma for those who are affected by these extreme weather events. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, depression and suicide rates increase with higher temperatures. If you’ve been experiencing any mental health issue associated with extreme weather conditions, it’s best to consult a professional for appropriate medical action or talk to your loved ones to ease the burden you’re feeling and get the right advice and support. 


Reduce your carbon footprint. Driving a car and frequent use of home appliances use a lot of energy that increases greenhouse emissions, leading to air pollution and warmer weather. Lack of access to clean air may result in respiratory diseases such as cough, asthma, and a higher risk of developing lung cancer. When you can, use “active transport” like walking and cycling for short distances, and limit the use of your car, which not only help reduce carbon emissions but also lower your risk of obesity and respiratory diseases. Also, use energy-efficient appliances.


Insure your health. Any time is a good time to protect your health, especially with all the climate-related events that are happening in the world. Facing health-related issues, however, becomes tougher when you’re not financially equipped to fund medical emergencies. 


AXA’s Global Health Access, for example, provides comprehensive medical assistance wherever you are in the world, including pandemic illnesses. A health insurance plan with worldwide coverage allows you to get the best medical treatment from the world’s top hospitals. You can even choose your preferred doctor and pay for medical treatments via cashless options, which is more convenient these days due to the pandemic. You also get full health coverage up to 99 years when you continuously pay your premiums.


To know more about how GHA can assist you in your health needs, and give you peace of mind against climate change-related health concerns and other diseases, visit

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